Print Ads Capture Anger and Panic in Wake of Marmite Shortage

Saatchi tries to calm New Zealand down

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"Don't freak. It'll be back." With that tagline, Saatchi & Saatchi is attempting to quell nationwide panic in New Zealand over increasing shortages of the inexplicably popular yeasty/salty sandwich spread Marmite. Supplies have run low since distribution was halted last November following earthquake damage at the Christchurch facilities where Marmite is produced. Personally, I see this as a stomach-saving act of God, but what do I know? The maker of New Zealand Marmite, a company called Sanitarium (sounds like a place you might end up in after ingesting the stuff), has come up with ads suggesting "tips to survive the shortage," such as covering one's toast with paper scrawled in black marker, creating homemade Marmite patches with Band-Aids, or, "when the time comes," switching to jams, peanut butter or "other yeast spreads."



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